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Outdoor blinds

External window blinds: protection and elegance

External window blinds is a stylish way to protect your home or office from the sun and prying eyes. Our online store TBI.UA offers exclusive Italian sun protection, cooperating only with well-known brands. In our assortment, you will find rafter and external blinds of various types and sizes that meet the most demanding customers.

Why TBI external blinds?

  • almost a quarter of a century of experience in the sun protection market of Ukraine;
  • direct exclusive supplies from a leading Italian manufacturer;
  • a wide assortment for different purposes and tasks;
  • practically limitless possibilities in sun protection;
  • from commercial to exclusive solutions for objects of any nature;
  • modern material and technical base;
  • possibility of developing and implementing individual solutions;
  • Turnkey sale and installation throughout Ukraine and the CIS;
  • warranty and post-warranty service;

External blinds from the sun: comfort and savings

External blinds protect the room from overheating under direct sunlight, allowing you to maintain comfort and a pleasant microclimate inside. They create a reliable barrier against heat, helping reduce air conditioning costs. Thanks to the high-quality materials of Italian manufacturers, our external blinds guarantee a long service life and reliable protection.

Raf blinds external blinds: aesthetics and functionality

Raft blinds external blinds are a modern solution for those who value quality and style. They protect the room and add elegance and harmony to it. Our online store offers various models of roller blinds, among which you can find the best option for your home or office. Discover a wide selection of colors and designs to satisfy even the most demanding customers.

External blinds Kyiv and Ukraine: convenient online shopping

You can buy external window blinds from us with delivery throughout Kyiv and Ukraine. Using special filters on the online store page of our site, you can easily choose the most suitable model in terms of length, width, system type, and control method. Ordering and payment are made in just a few clicks, which saves you time and effort.

External blinds price: affordable comfort

We do our best to make our prices for exterior blinds as affordable as possible. You can find rafter and exterior blinds in different price categories, allowing you to find a suitable option that fits your budget. By purchasing external blinds from TBI.UA, you will receive reliable protection and a stylish accent for your home or office.

Contact us for more information

In our assortment, you will find facade blinds with slats from 65 to 110 mm wide with various control systems: belt-cord or chain drive, mechanical, manual control (basket), or automatic, with the help of a wired button, radio remote control, or the system « smart home." Our managers will gladly advise you on all relevant issues and help you make the right choice. Contact us at the telephone numbers indicated in the site's header or by any other convenient method.

Make sure that with external window blinds from TBI.UA, your home or office will be reliably protected from the sun's rays, and you can enjoy comfort and style indoors. Choose the best - choose external blinds from Italian manufacturers at TBI.UA!

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Reviews: Outdoor blinds

Надійні і невибагливі зовнішні жалюзі, Цікавила якість і простота, що ми і знайшли
Покупкою задоволені, стильно, просто, надійно! Італійська якість і дизайн.
Добрі рафштори, брали на ручному управлінні. Невибагливі і надійні
Покупкой довольны, жалюзи удовлетворили по качеству и внешнему виду! Брали на ручном управлении
Надежные наружные жалюзи, выбираешь как ими управлять - руками или на автоматике. Смотрятся тоже хорошо
Якість і функціонал
Надежные и мощные внешние жалюзи
Хорошие внешние жалюзи на пульте, неприхотливые и устойчивые
искал рафшторы со скрытым монтажем, качество устроило, в обращении - очень простые и удобные
Гарні італійські зовнішні жалюзі, функціональні, можна вибрати верування - пульт, ручне чи розумний дім