Protective wax Clear Finish Countertop Protection

Артикул: | 00000 |
Country of origin | Italy
Dilution with water | до 10%
Brand | Novacolor
Material type | Protective materials
Packing option | комплект
Application consumption | 0,1 л/кв.м
Room type | Facade
Interior |
Surface type | Satin
Clear Finish Countertop Protection, resistant to boiling fat
Highly effective one-component polyurethane protective varnish, boiling fat resistant. Application: roller in 2 layers. 10-15%
The protective material Clear Finish Countertop Protection in Kyiv is presented in the VOGUE INTERIORS showroom, where you can buy decorative plaster and order a range of decorative works. You can also order all the necessary decorative materials from our online store and have them delivered throughout Ukraine. In our online store, you will find the best prices from an exclusive representative in Ukraine, a large assortment and assistance in choosing the necessary products.
Один из самых лучших микроцементов с которыми работал. Качество конечно и удобство нанесения.
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